
Why Serve?

Why should I serve in the church? Simply put, the answer is: To become a Biblical Christian. Jesus Christ came to serve. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom formany.” (Mark 10:45). Serving is one of the fundamental ways to define the ministry of Jesus. In fact, the word ministry literally means to serve. The Greek noun diakonia is most often translated as either ministry or service. It follows that if serving others is the very definition of ministry, and specifically the ministry of Jesus, then we who take the name Christian should participate in the life of service that our Master Jesus did.

Where Do I Start?

Our Blue Sky Series is the primary vehicle we have here at Blue Sky to help people in the process of serving. In the segment of the series titled "Serving," we discuss how God has uniquely made us for His purpose which includes using the spiritual gifts He has given to us. Discovering what spiritual gifts are and which ones we may personally possess, proves to be very helpful in finding out how we can serve God and His people. You don’t necessarily have to take the Blue Sky Series in order to serve somewhere, but it is usually the most helpful way to go about the process. You can also reach out to us at to find out what serving areas have the most need and where you might be able to get plugged in to serve the church.

What is Team Blue Sky?

Team Blue Sky is a monthly meeting for everyone who serves in any capacity at Blue Sky Church. Learn more about Team Blue Sky.



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9:15am & 11:15am