Going to a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience. What is going to happen? Will I be dressed right? Will they tell me when I need to stand up or sit down? What will the worship be like? Will there be people there like me?
You don't need to dress up, please be comfortable in your normal weekend clothes. We keep things simple and understandable and do our best to explain what is happening at each point in the service. All of our services are identical, so choose the time that works best for you–however, only Sunday morning services currently have childcare.
Our services always include a dedicated time of worship to God lead by our worship team.
Bible Teaching
After some brief announcements, one of our pastors will teach from the Bible with the goal of making it easy to understand and apply to your life.
We end each of our services with one final worship song and a time of prayer.
If you'd like, there is also time before and after services to connect with friends, meet new people, and check out our Small Groups wall to find Small Groups that meet in your area. Learn more about how to Get Connected at Blue Sky.